Saturday 28 October 2017

Rossetti and the Artist.

I know I have said it before, but it is very true, I am one of the worlds worst prevaricator. I have an iPad full of art I have produced some of which I am very happy with and some I am aware I could and should put onto canvas.  I have been looking at some of my art and thinking I could make those into mosaics. I have looked into this possibility and even made a little start of gathering some mosaic materials. But I just cannot bring myself to make a start.

I have been waking up in the middle of the night and hearing music in my head and seeing pictures so maybe my brain is telling me it is time to return to the paints.  I have the tidiest workspace I have had in years but just cannot bring myself to get the paint back out and the brushes to hand. 

Once again though the message is the same. It is not possible to do all the things you would like to, and more importantly do them all well.  So sadly I am ending up doing little.  I need something to spark me and motivate me but know not what. 

As I walked yesterday these thoughts filled my head and reminded me of a true story.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti was once approached by an elderly man. The old fellow had some sketches and drawings that he wanted Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good, or if they at least showed potential talent.

Rossetti looked them over carefully. After the first few, he knew that they were worthless, showing not the least sign of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a kind man, and he told the elderly man as gently as possible that the pictures were without much value and showed little talent. 

He was sorry, but he could not lie to the man. The visitor was disappointed but seemed to expect Rossetti’s judgment.

He then apologized for taking up Rossetti’s time, but would he just look at a few more drawings – these done by a young art student? Rossetti looked over the second batch of sketches and immediately became enthusiastic over the talent they revealed. 

“These,” he said, “oh, these are good. This young student has great talent. He should be given every help and encouragement in his career as an artist. He has a great future if he will work hard and stick to it.”

Rossetti could see that the old fellow was deeply moved. “Who is this fine young artist?” he asked. “Your son?” “No,” said the old man sadly. “It is me – 40 years ago. If only I had heard your praise then! 

For you see, I got discouraged and gave up – too soon.”

Yes, it is time for me to get back to the painting or some creative work not on my iPad. 

If not who knows what might happen and I do have a few spaces waiting for new works.

Have a creative day.

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