Friday 19 October 2018

Be quiet and sit still.

I went back in time yesterday having a reason to be back in the old haunting grounds I decided to do what used to be one of my favourites runs on the high and often very narrow track along the coastal path. The views from this little track are stunning and yesterday nature showed itself in all its glory.

beautiful clouds filling my head with castles in the sky and the sun kissing the tops of waves and warming my face. A wonderful interruption in what has been a rather harrowing time.

I did what I am never in the habit of doing, I stopped at the halfway point and took a seat at the beach bistro and had a coffee. I sat outside and watched the sea.

The wonderful peace was shattered by the arrival of three mothers with their children. They gathered all the spare seats and gathered around the table next to me. To hear excited voices and the chatter was not at all unpleasant. Watching these children run back and forward around the tables where trays of hot food and drinks were being served was another thing altogether. 

I finished my drink and left thinking back to when I was the same age and in similar situations with mainly my gran.

I would never have been permitted to run around under the feet of waiters of other customers. I would have sat at the table and stayed there until finished then I would have asked permission to leave the table before heading off onto the beach to run around and have fun.

Yes, we live in different times and I wholeheartedly approve. But I do often ask the question, "Will some of these children end up being like the person who does not want disabled people to get in their way?"

Life is full of interruptions, many of them full of joy and pleasure, many filled with challenges.

How often we wish for our daily routine to go on as the day before without the everyday interruptions that make us feel uncomfortable. The interruption of an illness or an unexpected event or something worse.

But take heart every interruption can so easily become a learning and thought-provoking experience. It has been from the interruptions of my life that the next challenge has arisen not the ongoing routine of every day.

Today my day is to be interrupted by a meeting of those responsible for the garden and playground at the local school. I am meeting with them today to make plans for the" School Garden Club" my latest challenge. 

Attending meetings is never my greatest joy in life, though I do seem to be attending more and more, the challenge of being surrounded once again by chattering and excited children looks like a wonderful sharing opportunity.

Have a marvellous and challenging interruption full day.

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