Sunday 28 January 2018

Take the easy road.

Not so much about what is there as what is not.

The above little painting is a scribble or two and some shading random. yet in its simplicity, there is plenty of space for each of us to add our own interpretation. That little man in the back of the boat, I wonder where he is heading?  Is he concerned about that flurry of snow? maybe he is making the crossing to ask his loved one to become his wife? Who knows? it is in fact up to us to finish the painting.

I was a bit concerned when somebody suggested I was getting a bit serious and heavy when all of the studying I have been engrossed in since the turn of the year has been about going with the flow rather than complicating life at all.

There is much to be said for simplicity. 

When the United States got involved in the space race and began to consider sending men into space, yes at that time only ever men were considered.  One of the difficulties they discovered was that the simple biro pen would not work in zero gravity.

Here was a problem that had to be solved. So the scientists were tasked to find the solution. They took ten years to develop a marvellous pen that would write in zero gravity. It could write upside down right way up, it could even write underwater. Further, the little doodle above could be done by it on the back of almost any old bit of paper because this pen would write on most things.

Amazingly the pen could even write at 300 under freezing. It cost $12 billion to produce but it was a marvellous pen.

The Russians, they used a pencil.

It has been discovered that a lion can not only hunt and catch large animals, they can catch mice, just like a domestic cat.

The facts are though that the energy expended to catch the mouse is more than the food that would be offered would not be worth the hassle. In fact, if it concentrated on catching mice it would slowly starve to death.

A lion cannot live on mice, they need antelopes, they provide all that a lion needs. On such a diet it can live for a long and happy life. It will die on mice.

It is the same for us if we are spending all our life running after the little things of life the complicated details of life we will get nowhere. Short-term we might feel all this activity is giving us a sense of accomplishment. In the long run, we have to ask is all the energy worthy of the results. Sometimes simplicity is good.

Oh, the answer to my question about the man in the boat, somebody just told me they were certain that looks like a woman. Ah yes, indeed it is wearing a red Kimono.

Have a marvellous day and as Wendy said to me the other day, go with the flow. 

Or as all my recent study has said, "Do the tao" 

Simple and easy have a wonderful day. 

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