Thursday 27 April 2017

Not Golf Again?

It is a crazy world.

it seems that everybody seems to know a golf addict of one sort or another. Yesterday I joined the addicts and the crazy world of golf. Somebody even told me they loved playing crazy golf and I had to stop and think for a moment. 

Two members of the local golf club were out playing a very serious competitive round of golf. The score cards were showing a very tight game.

The game was progressing and they were nearing the last hold. As they walked down the seventeenth a funeral cortège passed along the road. One of the golfers stopped and placed his club back in his bag. He stood at the side of his golf trolley and took of his cap. He bowed his head until the  cortège had passed.

The member he was playing said to him, "That was a wonderful mark of respect Jimmy." 

Jimmy looked at him and replied, "She was a great wife to me for over forty years, what else would you expect."

In my younger years while I was a minister I used to play golf every Monday morning with a number of fellow ministers and a priest.  Of course this led to a lot of off the cuff remarks in an attempt to put off fellow players.

My friend, and he still is my friend, waited his time until I was ahead of him in terms of the game.  When there was still time for hime to recoup he would make some comment about my Sermon from the day before. He might say he had been talking to a member of mine who had told him it was not one of my better sermons, it worked every time. My round from then on went downhill all the way. 

A young man and a priest are playing golf together. At a short par 3 the priest asks, "What are you going to use on this hole, my son?" 

The young man says, "An iron, father. How about you?"

The priest says, "I'm going to hit a soft seven and pray."

The young man hits his iron and puts the ball on the green. The priest tops his iron and dribbles the ball out a few yards.

The young man says, " Don't know about you, father, but in my church when we pray we keep our heads down."

It is indeed a funny game, and it seems that the number of golf widows never seems to diminish. Good on you Lesley that you have got yourself some clubs and intend to join in rather than complain.

Life is after all about taking positive action.

Have a marvellous day.

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