Monday 18 March 2019

Don't we all.


I visited the part of the world I lived in before I moved to my present village it was a special family occasion. Like most towns and villages it has a number of people who have fallen on hard times. One such person, I passed and he remembered me and greeted me in a cheerful way. He seemed to be looking a great deal better than the last time I had seen him.

On that occasion, I had an abstract painting under my arm on my way to deliver it to the person who had bought it. I was feeling good if I am honest a little bit too proud. As I walked I saw him, looking down and very shabby. His hair was unkempt his beard looked as though a good wash would do it the world of good. I was being judgemental.

 As I approached that day I was ready for the begging words. “Could you spare some loose change?” or words to that effect. I have to be honest and admit that it fleetingly crossed my mind to try and avoid making eye contact with him. I did not know him and he did not know me, so no need for me to acknowledge his presence.

As I approached I waited, but it never came. I was wearing my painting top and the picture under my arm was obvious. As I drew near he spoke. At first, I wondered what his line was going to be.

I was taken aback when he spoke about the abstract I was carrying, it seemed he liked abstract art. We spoke about the painting and some others he had liked and seen hanging locally.  All the time I was waiting for his request, but it never came.

I was about to leave and found myself asking, “Do you need any help?”.

His reply caught me off guard completely, “Don't we all mate, don't we all.”

I was feeling high and mighty, successful and important, now I was made to stop and think. Those three words hit me like a sledgehammer.

Don't we all?

I needed help. Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help. I reached into my pocket and gave him a portion of the money I was about to collect. I was not sure what he would spend it on and it mattered not. If I was in his position the last thing I would want was my dignity taken away even further by being asked how I would use the money.

Those three little words still ring true.  Don't we all. No matter how much we have, no matter how much we have accomplished, we need help too. No matter how little we have, no matter how wealthy we are.   One way or another we all need help, nobody is an island.

Even if it's just a compliment, we can all give that. You never know when you may see someone that appears to have it all.

That person might just be waiting for you to give them what they don't have. A different perspective on life, a glimpse at something beautiful, a respite from daily chaos, that only you through a torn world can see.

Maybe that man was just a homeless stranger wandering the streets.

Maybe, just maybe, he was a bit more than that.  it was good to see he was doing well and looking good.

Have a great day.

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